Empirical Evidence for a Socio-Cognitive Model of Academic Satisfaction: A Review and Meta-Analysis Approach By Pablo Ezequiel Flores Kanter, Leonardo Adrián Medrano, Cecilia Losano & Luciana Sofia Moretti

The study of Academic Satisfaction (AS) has increased as researchers and educators recognized AS as a key variable to explain problems regarding academic performance, motivation and retention. Moreover, actual research sustains the importance of studying the role of AS and to analyze the factors that promote it. The elaboration of AS judgments is a complex process that involves different variables. In this paper, a review is presented in order to display the individual contribution of every factor in Lent’s AS model. The main purpose is to provide a summary of empirical investigations of the interrelation of the proposed factors, which will enable researchers to reach conclusions about the fit of the model. The collected evidence in this study justifies each of the assumptions made in Lent´s AS model. The meta-analysis is consistent with these findings.


Facilitation of the Comprehension of Written and Spoken Discourse By Jazmín Cevasco, Felipe Muller & Federico Bermejo

The purpose of this paper was to provide an overview of studies that have investigated the role of the establishment of discourse connections and the detection of inconsistencies between prior knowledge and new information on the facilitation of the comprehension of written and spoken discourse. With this aim, we first describe studies on written discourse that have examined the effect of increasing the establishment of discourse connections by implementing text revision procedures, and studies that have tested the contribution of promoting the detection of inconsistencies between prior knowledge and new ideas by presenting refutation texts. Next, preliminary studies on spoken discourse that have examined the effect of the establishment of a high number of causal connections and the presence of discourse markers, and studies that have tested the contribution of promoting the detection of inconsistencies between prior knowledge and new ideas by making explicit that incorrect ideas will be introduced in a conversation. This overview will allow for proposed contributions that studies on the comprehension of discourse presented in both modalities can make to student learning.