On Inclusive Musical Education in Russian Universities: Computer Arrangement

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Irina B. Gorbunova, Sergey A. Morozov


In this work, we investigated the methodological foundations and content aspects of the methodology of teaching musical disciplines with using music computer technologies (MCT) for music students with deep visual impairments: the content and methodological support for teaching these disciplines were developed, and methodological approaches for implementing the educational process in the practice of teaching visually impaired music students in secondary and higher educational institutions were determined. The authors conducted a multi-stage pedagogical experiment, analyzed professionally significant aspects of teaching a number of academic disciplines with using MCTs. The study used the hypothesis that there is a stable and significant relationship between the activity of knowledge of blind students in the field of MCT and their level of professional competence and social adaptation.

The development of MCT contributes to the socialization and integration of visually impaired people into civic society. A set of academic disciplines has been developed based on the use of MCT, which is implemented in the musical and educational process of professional training of students-musicians with deep visual impairments in a number of educational institutions in Russia. The international community and the state should more actively support and develop technologies that promote the socialization and integration of visually impaired musicians into civic society.

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