The Model of Character Building Education Based on Islamic Boarding Campus

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Muhammad Turhan Yani, Slamet Setiawan, Agung Ari Subagyo


The social pervasiveness of character-building education should be fiercely done for averting the deficiency of religion and nation values. There is evidence of the diminishing supreme moral values that can be witnessed from both printed and electronic media and even from the direct experience in society. Related to this, the implementation of supreme moral values is supposed to be effective through education. From that context, this study is regarded as important as one effort to integrate the academic realm with the supreme character values that are obtainable in a typical Islamic boarding campus. For the first year, this study purposes to (1) Observe the implementation of the character-building education in the State University of Surabaya (Unesa) and UIN Maliki Malang Islamic Boarding Campus; (2) setting up the draft of the model of the character building education based on Islamic boarding campus. In this study, the observation and interview are applied in collecting the data.  The data is analyzed by creating the qualitative narrative about the application of the character building education in the State University of Surabaya (Unesa) and UIN Maliki Malang Ma’had/pesantren (Islamic boarding) Campus, followed by setting up the draft of the model of the character building education based on Islamic boarding campus. The results of this study are as follows: (1) the implementation of character building education in the State University of Surabaya (Unesa) and UIN Maliki Malang have their own trait and uniqueness; (2) the design of the model of the character building education has been arranged that can be used to be implemented in public campuses, such as Unesa.

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