Multidimensional Assessment Model of Social Intervention and Bullying Behavior to Improve Mental Health in Madrasah Aliyah (MAN) Malang Raya

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Tristiadi Ardi Ardani et al.


This article discusses about bullying. Bullying behavior need to be done through a multidimensional assessment and social intervention. This model has three components, namely the five traits of behavior definition bullying, four kinds of behavior bullying, the three main groups involved in the behavior ofbul lying. This paper presents a preventive program try against bullying behavior in schools a mentioned as Citizens'Responsibility p control rogram. This approach to reintegrate pupils who had blundered into the school community in order to become disciples who have durability, as well as being a member of the school community who obediently and cling to rules and values which apply into program interventions social thereby increasing their mental health.

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