Academic Procrastination in terms of Student Self-Concept and Self-Efficacy

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Ulfiani Rahman, Idham


Among the causes of the student academic procrastination in religion-based universities are the low self-concept and self-efficacy. Hence, this research of this study to determine the effects of self-concept and self-efficacy on student academic procrastination of the faculty of Education and Teaching. The method used in this research is the quantitative approach. Subjects in this study were students of faculty of education and teaching Subjects amounted to 189 students from a population of 1,892 students who were obtained through proportional random sampling techniques. Research instrument in the form of Self-Concept Scale, Self-Efficacy Scale, and Academic Procrastination Scale. Data were analyzed using inferential statistical analysis by multiple linear regression techniques. The inferential analysis showed for the hypothesis testing results that there is significant influence self-concept and self-efficacy together toward academic procrastination. The effective contribution of self-concept and self-efficacy to academic procrastination by 30, 1%. This means that procrastination is also influenced by many other factors, such as conformity, closed and open personality

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