Response and Coping Measures of Various Countries to Attenuate the Spread of Covid-19

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Alifya Altaf


The headlines of the year, the coronavirus pandemic is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) also popularly known as covid 19.The news of the outbreak first originated from Wuhan, China in 2019 December.

The modes by which the virus can spread are various, including small droplets released into the surrounding on coughing sneezing or talking.These small droplets land on various surfaces or any object known as fomites and in some cases can also remain in the air as suspended particles infecting many others breathing the same.On touching these contaminated surfaces, most people acquire the virus on their hands which can enter the body when these unwashed hands are bought to face.The virus is capable of spreading thoughout the course of infection or even before one has developed symptoms but it is the most communicable during the first three days of infection. In some cases, patients may remain asymptomatic but can still spread the virus to other healthy contacts.

The virus is manifested in the form of influenza-like symptoms mostly as fever and cough. Some also complain of shortness of breath and loss of sense of taste and smell.Complicationsscan occur like pneumonia with severe shortness of breathandalso acuterespiratorydistresssyndrome.The incubation period, which is the time taken for the symptoms to appear from the day of entry of the virus into ones symptoms is 5 days but can also range from around 2 to 14 days. Vaccines and definitive treatment are still undergoing human trials but none are known to show any proven cure. Primarytreatmentsissymptomaticandsupportivetherapy.

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