Difficulties of Scientific research facing educational supervisors in Directorates of education of Irbid Governorate from their point of view

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Dr. Kholoud S Yaghmour, Dr. Luai Taleb Obaidat


The study aimed to identify difficulties of scientific research facing educational supervisors in Directorates of education of Irbid Governorate from their point of view. The study sample consisted of (226) male and female supervisors. To achieve the objectives of the study, the inferential and descriptive analysis method was adopted. A questionnaire consisted of (27) items, where its validity and reliability were verified. To achieve the objectives of the study, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPPS) was used such as frequencies and percentages, arithmetic means, standard deviations, Cronbach’s Alpha, MANOVA and ANOVA tests. Through referring to the results, we find the arithmetic mean value of difficulties of scientific research facing educational supervisors in Directorates of education of Irbid Governorate was 4.49, which is considered a high value referring to the scale used in the study. The results also revealed statistical significance differences among means of the study population individuals about difficulties facing educational supervisors in Directorates of education of Irbid Governorate, and these differences are due to female supervisors where their mean was bigger than the males’ which reached 4.55. The results showed that were statistical significance differences among supervisors of high diploma. The results also showed that there were statistical significance differences among supervisors whose experience in supervision is less than 5 years.   

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