Swotting of Dalit autobiographies through Transformative Paradigm Research

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P. Revathi, M. R. Bindu


In this modern biosphere there is one form of writing which still thrives on being dissimilar, from the idea of what the history had portrayed about the past for centuries. As per layperson’sempathetic, history is whatsoeveroccurred in former or past. To our astonishment, in a negative inference someone who wrote history has chosen only the certain aspects of past and not all that happened in a country. It means, it is interpreted only for a distinct group of audience. According to Herman Northrop Fry, a Canadian literary critic ‘emplotment’ acts a criticalpart in organizing a past narrative. Now, time has come to not only to know the past life of kings and queens, conquerors, battles, fall of territories, rise of empires, rich culture, religion, hegemony but also to know about the life of ordinary peasants, traders, fighters, marginalised group etc., Generally, mainstream literature has an aforementioned of major written and oral traditions from ancient times,these writers depend on this. However, the marginalised literature needs to generateapeculiarmetaphysical base. This article does not talk about the scuffle between impoverishedand well-to-do but the skirmish seen from the perspective of the lower caste, the marginals, the minorities, the subalterns through the autobiographies of marginalised writers.


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