The Influence of Consumer Behavior and Environmental Factors Through Business Strategies on Marketing Performance of MSMEs in West Java During the Pandemic Covid-19
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, almost all sectors from all countries in the world experienced tremendous pressure; even many businesses had to close some of their shops in order to maintain the survival of the company. Many businesses end up going bankrupt because they cannot survive, but there are also many businesses that are able to survive, one of them is MSMEs. The government is currently paying great attention to MSMEs with evidence of supporting the UMKM empowerment program because they are considered as resilient businesses in times of crisis. But the use of technology and the internet is currently considered to be able to change people's behavior when shopping, and also large-scale social restriction regulations to reduce the rate of Covid-19 are considered to be very influential on the marketing performance of MSME businesses. The purpose of this study was to see the impact that Covid-19 had on consumer behavior, environmental factors, business strategies, and marketing performance of MSME businesses. This research was conducted using online survey data collection techniques. The results of the analysis found that there was an influence of consumer behavior through business strategies on the marketing performance of MSMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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