Knowledge Management as a Consensus for Strengthening the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Home Affairs

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Herie Saksono, mam Radianto Anwar Setia Putra


Knowledge used to increase the value and performance of organization through the laboration of its intellectual resources. For this reason, knowledge management is important for Research and Development Agency in improving their quality. This research aims to ensure that the knowledge management approach can be used as a foundation for strengthening Research and Development Agency. Qualitative research procedures and methods have chosen in exploring various phenomena of activities of the R & D Agency which react closely with the concept of knowledge management. A qualitative approach is a study conducted by researchers which used to find and understand hidden things behind a phenomenon that sometimes difficult to understand. Using a symbolic approach, it is assumed that the object of people, situations and events does not have their own understanding through collecting in-depth interview data, and data analysis in qualitative research was carried out in a narrative. R & D the Ministry of Home Affairs has a conformity with the application of knowledge management to be further strengthened in terms of agencies, including procedures in the interaction between research and development networks as well as innovation and human resources. Furthermore, this research formulates several conclusions, namely; 1) Development of three other dimensions of knowledge management in the performance system in order to achieve organizational output, given the capacity of knowledge through the use of tacit abilities and implicit knowledge. 2) reconstructing interactions to support learning organizations through the use of generative organizational criteria to strengthen consensus of  knowledge management. 3) the use of a flexible structure and the development of organizational competencies in the implementation of activities in order to seek various knowledge development and innovation

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