A Study on Linkage between Corporate Social Entrepreneurship and Brand Building

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Dr. Pragya Jaroliya, Dr. Deepak Jaroliya, Yamini Modi


Nowadays Corporates are more focused on practicing social entrepreneurship and hence have diverted their business goals towards exercising Corporate Social Entrepreneurship (CSE), derived from the wider concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), as a strategy to address social problems majorly like Poverty, Unemployment, etc. in a way that maximizes performance and improves the overall stakeholder wellbeing. To achieve their high-minded goals, the corporates might partner with government or philanthropic entities, fund specific programs and work on either the local or global level. Such practices build a competitive advantage with a social impact on society. It's a mechanism to genuinely address social problems while remaining associated with a higher purpose. Though the companies are venturing ways to address a social problem, it is necessary to ascertain the perceived value of the same amongst the Organization and its impact on business goals to achieve higher brand equity. Hence, the study focuses on deriving the linkage between Corporate Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Brand Building through a structured modeling technique as a methodology via primary data collection


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