Oil Palm and Social Forestry Policies in Indonesia:Legal Literature Review

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Maskun, Achmad, Naswar, Hasbi Assidiq, Siti Nurhaliza Bachril


The government issued a policy discourse on investment ease and cut all "obstacles" in conducting business activities, including in the oil palm sector. Unfortunately this oil palm expansion policy contributed to the reduction in the area of Indonesia's forest cover. In addition, the implementation of sustainable oil palm certification does not run optimally and has implications for human rights violations, and social conflicts around plantations between communities and plantation companies.This cannot be denied because oil palm is a company-based manufacturing business. This is inversely proportional to forest sustainability policies with social forestry schemes based on surrounding communities in their implementation. This paper is an empirical normative comparative study between oil palm policies and forest sustainability policies in social forestry to identify the most appropriate policies to improve the community's economy.

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