Comparative study of criminal cases in India and United States of America

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Srinibas Nayak, Prof. S.A.K. Azad


Social factors form perceptions of criminality, offenders, retribution, and recovery, which vary across nations. Most work has been undertaken among Western Nations people in this field, but crime and reacting to it is a worldwide phenomenon. In their views on crime, criminals, prosecution but punishment it was noted that now the Indian and The us respondent faced significant differences. There were opposing views on discipline and salvation among all student classes. The respondent's nation was really the best predictor for all these view points in an univariate research of class, age, academic level and religious origin. The conflicts of opinion have been partially due to the cultural disparities between the two countries. A police force is made up of people empowered by the State to enforce the rules, protect persons and properties, and deter crime and the civil disorder. In a systematic sense, the state police accept the whole program of Internal regulation, by which the State seeks to preserve not only public order and to avoid, but also to define, offenses against, the State from ciudadan to citizen.

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