Morals in Using Social Media: Analysis of PAIand Budi Pekerti Textbooks for Junior and Senior High Schools
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Social media have become an integral part of teenagers’ and, especially, the students of Junior and Senior High Schools’ lives. As freely accessible media, control in the use of social media comes from within the individual. Therefore, education for Junior and Senior High School students on how to interact on social media according to Islamic guidance is substantial. Interaction on social media is a form of human behavior that becomes an object to study in PAI and Budi Pekerti subjects. The first focus of this research was on how PAI and Budi Pekerti textbooks for Junior and Senior High School levels explain how to use social media wisely from the perspective of morals. The second focus was what are the advantages and disadvantages of that explanation contained in PAI and Budi Pekerti textbooks provided for Junior and Senior High School. The results of the content analysis technique used in data analysis showed that the material containing morals in using social media was explicitly found in the PAI and Budi Pekerti textbooks for Junior High School grades VIII and IX and those for Senior High School grades X, XI, XII. The material design found in Junior High School textbooks used independent and integrated patterns, while that for Senior High School textbooks only uses the integrated one. The material guiding students’ morals in using social media in Junior High School and Senior High School textbooks was flexible and accomodating, following existing rubrics, and stimulating educators to be creative and innovative. Junior High School textbooks contained specific sub-topics of the morals in using social media that were not found in Senior High School textbooks. However, in terms of quantity, this material was still minimal, thus requiring improvement.
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