A Comparative Study of General Intelligence and Adjustment Amongst Degree College Students

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Shweta Pandey, Dr. Manju Sharma


Intelligence is the mental abilities of a person to learn from experience, adapt to new situations, understand and handle abstract concepts and use knowledge to manipulate one’s environment. Andadjustment affects the various aspectsof aperson’s life.Thepresentstudyexploresthemental ability/ generalintelligenceleveland adjustmentofdegreecollegestudents.Italsocomparesthe mental ability/ generalintelligenceand the adjustment of students with regard to their gender, area and stream. Normative& descriptive survey methods have been used in this study.

For general intelligence and adjustment representative sample datawascollectedfrom500studentsthrough stratified random sampling technique from various degree colleges of Ujjain City. The sample included 100 male and 100 female students. The collected data was analyzed using Mean, S.D. and‘T’ test.

Theresultsofthestudythrew very interesting results. Whereas,No Significant difference noticed between male and female students on general intelligencescores, a significant difference was found in the home, health and emotional adjustment of college going male and female students. There is significant difference found in both, the general intelligence& adjustment of urban andruralcollegestudents. Whereas,urbancollegestudentsshowinghigherscorethantheirruralcounterparts in general intelligence, however colleges going rural students were more adjusted in home, health, social and emotional area while urban students were more adjusted in educational area. In the case of streams,Science students show higher general intelligence than the arts students.On the other hand, no significant difference was found in all the five areas of adjustment of college going students of science and non-sciencestream.

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