Women's Psychological Migration ... A Conceptual Framework

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Prof. Dr. Siham Mutashar al-Kaabi


Research Summary

     Migration today is a global problem and is an extraordinary social phenomenon that affects countries around the world. Globalization, demographic shifts, political persecution, wars, armed conflicts, natural and environmental disasters, lack of skills, employment and other reasons in many countries have accelerated global migration rates. It has been observed in recent years that there is a rapid feminization of all forms and stages of migration. Women now make up nearly half of the migrant population around the world, and it appears that women have their own motives for migration in addition to family reunification in escaping Gender discrimination, political violence, and social independence, economic motives and the desire for better opportunities For education or work.

They often face many challenges and difficulties; However, gender-responsive solutions to enhance opportunities for them and support their rights are not yet available. The most important objective of the current research was to try to form theoretical ideas about the concept of psychological migration, based on the literature of psychological research on the phenomenon of migration.

The researcher reached a theoretical definition of the concept of psychological migration as being a psychological condition that the immigrant suffers from before, during and after migration in the two cases of voluntary or forced migration. But the researcher believes that it will be more severe in the case of forced migration.

It results from the conflict between the original and the new worlds of the immigrant person and the consequential positive development and complementarity between these two worlds, or the occurrence of rupture, conflict and inconsistency in his self-identity in the event that he is unable to combine the two worlds, which leads to feeling a set of symptoms, including feeling anxious about separation from the family And about his country in general, and the feeling of a weak connection with reality and the place, or a disturbance in perception of the new place, And the deepening of the gap between him and others, and the individual's reliance on isolation, introversion, alienation, and self-degradation due to his lack of security, belonging, and a host of negative frustrating feelings and multiple and dangerous physical effects. The current research has attempted to place the issue of migration on the table of psychological scientific anatomy, which includes analysis, interpretation and prediction. Although there is a great deal of scholarly and political work on migration, there is still very little research devoted to the holistic theory of migration to systematically guide research in order to build step by step, scientific knowledge of this behavior. The theories and models described in the current study have sought to improve scientific interpretation, understanding, and prediction as they represent a century of world cultural integration, one of the utmost extensive and difficult human problems in the 21st era. Researcher believes that this research will serve as a reference for generating hypotheses that can be tested experimentally and verified according to the main theoretical psychological information that has been put forward to explain the phenomenon of migration in its optional and coercive forms and the most dangerous phenomenon, which is the brain drain or the brain migration, especially with regard to the female component. The research concluded with a set of recommendations and proposals.

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