Digital Marketing Design of Oatbits Product in “Everyday is Healthy” Social Media and Website

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Annisa Bela Pertiwi, Moch Fanca Refsiyuwandi, Muhammad Jakaria Rahmadi, Rahmadanisa Rahmadani, Samuel Freddyanto


Promotional activities are needed to increase sales of a company's product. Promotional activities do not function as a means of communication between companies and consumers, but are able to influence consumers to buy or use products from these companies. Instagram and Facebook are social media that are currently favored by the community and are very effective for promoting. Apart from social media, companies that have personal and official websites are also able to increase their selling power in the eyes of consumers. PT. Idea Imaji Persada is a digital agency company that helps market Oatbits brand products produced by PT. Agel Langgeng. PT. Agel Langgeng itself has an official website and social media which is called “Everyday is Healthy”. The name “Everyday is Healthy” does not reflect the corporate identity of PT. Agel Langgeng, but deliberately made specifically for reading Oatbits products. Several promotional strategies for Oatbis products are carried out through digital channels such as social media, Instagram and Facebook using the services of PT. Idea Imaji Persada. The design of digital promotional media carried out through the website and social media Instagram or Facebook has so far been an effective means of producing Oatbits products to consumers.

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