The Effect of Conflict of Interest and Leadership Style on Employee Satisfaction (Case Study of a Private Hospital in Cimahi City)

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Ronald Sebastian, Muhammad Faiz Dzikir, Fathur Rahman Alfitrah, Wildan Nugeraha, Herman Sofyandi


This study aims to determine the effect of conflict of interest and leadership style on employee job satisfaction at Cimahi City Private Hospital. This study used a descriptive verification approach, and 89 employees were sampled using multiple regression analysis assisted by SPSS 23 software. Primary data from this study were obtained from questionnaires and interviews. Meanwhile, secondary data is obtained through notes and publications and literature. The results showed that there was an influence between the variables of conflict of interest and leadership style on employee job satisfaction at private hospitals in Bandung. However, the influence of the conflict of interest variable does not indicate high job satisfaction, but this influence has a negative effect on employee job satisfaction, resulting in most employees resigning from the company. Meanwhile, a good leadership style can increase employee job satisfaction.


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