Correlation Between Accreditation And The Quality Of Schools/Madrasahs Education In Maluku Province
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Accreditation of schools/ madrasahs as an activity to assess the feasibility of programs in academic units based on predetermined criteria is one of the essential pillars in the schools' and madrasahs' education quality assurance system. Accreditation is expected to contribute to the improvement of schools'/madrasahs' quality. A critical question in this regard is whether accreditation correlates with the quality of schools/madrasahs.
This research aims to examine the relationship between accreditation and the quality of schools/madrasahs. The research was conducted by involving high schools/vocational high schools/madrasah aliyah (SMA/SMK/MA) in Maluku Province that accredited in 2018 and 2019. Accreditation data was obtained from National Accreditation Board for Schools/Madrasahs (BAN S/M; Badan Akreditasi Nasional Sekolah/Madrasah) of Maluku Province. The school/madrasah quality data was obtained from 2019's Computer-Based National Exams (UNBK; Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer) data published by the Ministry of Education and Culture's Education Assessment Center. The data analysis used was descriptive analysis and simple correlation analysis.
For MA and SMK, the result was r_count<r_table, and for SMA, even though r_count>r_table, but r_count<2.0. Thus, it can be concluded that there is no correlation between accreditation and the quality of education units. For SMA, the correlation between accreditation and SMA quality is very low (very weak). This result showed that accreditation could only be used to map the level of compliance with national standards. The results of accreditation can not justify the quality of schools/madrasahs.
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