Obstacles and Challenges Students with Disabilities Experience in Higher Education Institutions: A Systematic Review

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Safa Al-Ali


The purpose of this study was to systematically review the obstacles and challenges that students with disabilities encounter in higher education institutions; a systematic review of 20 articles published between 2000 and 2020 relevant to the subject of this study , which analyzing the experiences of students with disabilities in higher education institutions from all over the world. Results  indicate that there is still much support and efforts  to be provided for students with disabilities to facilitate there integration in  HE, and  the necessity of enacting binding legislation for educational institutions with the necessity of providing the necessary facilities and services in a manner that guarantees the realization of the "inclusive university" concept. The results also showed that there is consensus on the most common obstacles that the students with disabilities experiences in HEIs, which include environmental barriers and access to services, educational access barriers include teaching and evaluation strategies, information and communication barriers, barriers related to staff attitudes and lack of awareness of the educational needs and characteristics of students with disabilities. The results of this review recommend the importance of raising awareness among staff and students, and the necessity of finance HEIs, to enable them to make the necessary environmental accommodations, activating the implementation of laws and regulations and increasing the level of awareness among students with disabilities about their rights.

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