Empowerment of Tri-Centers Education for Communities Affected by Covid-19 in the Gunung-Sewu Mountainous Village Area

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Cahyono Agus, Budi Ariyanto Surantono, Dewi Wulandari, Ambar Pertiwiningrum, Siti Rochmiyati


The Gunung-Sewu UNESCO Global Geopark karst area is a natural world heritage in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with the potential for good environmental services. The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 requires holding ‘Large-Scale Social Restrictions’ so that it has a profound impact on the environment and people's lives. The program solution is carried out by implementing the Tri-Centers Education program developed by Ki Hadjar Dewantara from Tamansiswa. The program aims to empower the capacity of individuals, communities, and institutions affected by COVID-19 through the development of integrated agro-geo-edu-tourism in the hilly karst areas. The Community Partnership Program (CPP) and the Student Community Services (SCS) UGM were implemented in the Mandiri Creative Orphanage neighbourhood in the Mount Plencing Area, Wukirsari Village, Imogiri Bantul, in 2020. The programming mechanism is carried out by (i) Facilitating online programs for the community, (ii) COVID-19 Prevention and Handling Programs, (iii) Development of Orphanages and Immortal Well Areas, (iv). Community Education, (v) Environmental and community health; (vi) Social Service, (vii) Community and SMEC Empowerment. Through the CPP and ESD programs, the stimulation is directed at empowering volunteers, the community, officials, and all parties to improve the target schools' superior quality. The program is based on three main pillars: the empowerment of individuals, communities, and institutions. This program's implementation will increase empathy, care, multidisciplinary cooperation, personality, contribution to regional/national competitiveness, and encourage learning community/society. This program is also implemented in co-creation, co-finance, sustainability, and flexibility in the ABCG (Academic, Business, Community, Government) collaboration network, including Wukirsari Village Government, Yayasan Panti Yatim Kreatif Mandiri (YPYKM), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), PKBTS Tamansiswa Alumni Board, KAGAMA care, BAZNAS (National Zakat Agency) DIY, Agus Bumi Indonesia Community, PPPA Daarul Qur'an, Indonesian Islamic University, and others

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