Social Economic Impact of Families of Victims of Layoffs Due To Covid-19

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Siti Chanifah, et. al.


This study aims to analyze the socio-economic conditions and their impact on the families of victims of layoffs due to Covid-19. It describes the problems and solutions in overcoming the socio-economic problems of families of victims of layoffs due to Covid-19. This research was conducted in Banten Province, with the research location being determined purposively based on the area's consideration as an industrial center that carried out mass employee termination (PHK), namely: Tangerang Regency and Tangerang City. The two regions are the main industrial centers in Banten. Using a qualitative approach with a descriptive method, data obtained through interviews and distributing questionnaires to students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang, who work as employees who had terminated for Covid-19. With a sample size of at least 40. The results show that the most impact is on the economic sector because the loss of work causes their income or income to decrease. Thus reducing people's purchasing power in meeting basic needs for food, clothing, education, and threatening harmony in the family. Entrepreneurship is one of the solutions, of course, through government policy by assisting in PKH assistance, Covid-19 assistance from the Regional Government, Covid-19 assistance from the province, and Covid-19 assistance from the central and village governments. This assistance is very beneficial for the community, but it is considered uneven and not well-targeted.

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