Business Demography as a Source of Information about the Level and Dynamics of Entrepreneurship Development - Example of Selected Eu Countries

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Andrzej Skibiński


Demographic analyses referring to strictly population-based processes can also be implemented on the level of the enterprise population. In international statistics such as Eurostat, data on business demography has been available for several years and can be used to analyse the pace of socio-economic development of a given region. The aim of the publication is to diagnose the dynamics of the enterprise population in selected EU countries. The rationale behind the formulated work objective is that the demand for data on business demography has increased significantly in recent years, particularly in the context of developed strategies for growth and employment across the EU. The relevant quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out on the basis of data from the Eurostat statistical database. Dynamic methods of change were used, such as absolute increments and dynamics indicators. The time range of the analyses was determined to a large extent by the availability of data.  

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