Critical Reading and Analysis for the Topic of the Truth about Eating Disorders

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Ahmed Almedee, Najaf Iraq, Aaya Alrammah


The reading process, which is among necessary linguistic skills incorporates a significant position in one's intellectual life, acquired by perception, meaning construction, information retrieval, and also the reuse of the received information in communicative processes which are heavily dependent upon the reading vigors. Hence, the question of whether physical components or cognitive functions are more straightforward within the reading process which has been responded differently by various researchers, the consensus upon the character of this activity is that the undeniable fact that it's a rather complicated process. Elucidate this complicated process as much as possible, the concept of critical reading has recently been suggesting as a model in education. Essential reading will be thought to be an endeavour of "re-reading" which needs handling many concepts influencing our life straightly or not with a broader perspective.

As a result of the study, critical thinking and essential reading skills and also the difference in achievement were statistically significant. There are many reading skills which lead the reader to discover the hidden meaning as well as to recognize the intention of the writer.

When reading the text "The Truth about Eating Disorders" (Lee & Bernard, 2011: 83), the reader examines two types of eating disorders, which includes anorexia and bulimia nervosa. These types affect many young women, and even men and cause a lot of problems in their daily lives, such as complex and varied.

Critical reading could be a style of linguistic analysis that doesn't address the looks of the text but instead involves an in-depth study of the claims made similarly as its supporting points and potential counter-arguments. A component of critical reading is the ability to reinterpret and recombine with the goal of clarity and better readability. Identifying possible ambiguities and flaws within the author's thinking, similarly as having the ability to address them all together, are essential to completing the critical reading process. In this text, the author is mention in two words within the beginning of text including "anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa" Binge upset is a disorder that consumes enormous amounts of food and is unable to prevent eating. Binge eating may be a person's excessive desire for food despite feeling sufficient and full, caused by many reasons, including psychological factors or diseases. This state of binge eating varies in terms of periods, it's going to be prolonged and should be limited, and if prolonged, it causes many diseases that affect a personality's health

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