The Influence Of Public Relations On Tourists Visiting Decisions At Sari Ater Resort In Subang Regency, Indonesia

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Agus Dedi Subagja, Bambang Hermanto, Suryanto, Herwan Abdul Muhyi


Subang Regency is one of the regencies in West Java which has reliable tourism potential. One of the destinations that can be visited as one of the mainstay tourist attractions in Subang Regency, which can attract tourists to come is Sari Ater Resort hot spring. Sari Ater hot spring bath is one of the most visited tourist objects by both domestic and foreign tourists. The strategy implemented by Sari Ater hot springs to increase the number of tourists is an integrated marketing communication strategy. Integrated marketing communication is carried out aimed at influencing tourists' decisions to visit Sari Ater hot springs because promotion is a form of marketing communication activity that focused on how to disseminate information, influence, increase target markets to accept, buy, and be loyal to the products offered by the company.

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