Results of the Study of the National Dish "Asip" from Sheep Products

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Z. A. Talkanbayeva, A. M. Kalkabayev, Ferruh Yucel, S. A. Kalkabaeva


In the article the chemical composition, nutritional and biological value of the product "asip" from sheep production was studied for the first time, the food "asip" is rich in proteins and oils, characterized by high levels of olein from essential lysine, amino acids leucine and isoleucine, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), unsaturated fatty acids. The fatty acid value of "asip" meal is characterized by the degree of unsaturated fatty acid. Large amounts of palmitolein-olein-linoleic fatty acids were found in their composition.

Olein content is 1.5-2 times higher than palmitic fatty acids, guarantees food efficiency, plays a proactive role in meeting the body's oil needs.

The protein of these proteins has a good amino acid composition, limiting amino acids are absolutely absent, except tryptophan (85%), essential amino acids are characterized by high speed (149-563%).

Vitamin PP deficiency has a bad effect on health. This product contains the maximum amount of vitamin PP that is needed to provide nicotine acid processes. It is part of some oxidizing enzymes.

It is proved that national nutrition "asip" is one of the leading in the field of formation of biological and physiological function of organism. In the practical part, based on the results of the study, will fully contribute to improving the nutritional level of the table menu.

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