Burnout among the Iraqi medical personnel in light of the Corona crisis

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Assist Prof.Dr. Anwar Muhammad Ei'dan Yunus


The current research objectives to identify:

  • Psychological exhaustion among doctors and nurses in some Baghdad hospitals for receiving Corona patients.

  • Significance of statistical differences in psychological exhaustion between doctors and nurses.

  • The significance of the statistical differences in the psychological exhaustion of doctors and nurses according to gender variables (male-female) marital status ((married, unmarried), certificate (junior high, bachelor’s, graduate degree)

        To achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher relied on the theory and scale (Maslach & Jackson, 1981) to    measure psychological exhaustion consisting of (22) paragraphs with six-six alternatives, which measure three dimensions (attrition, emotional) by nine paragraphs (and emotion dullness) by five paragraphs (and lack of Feeling of personal achievement) in (8) paragraphs. And after applying the scale to a sample of doctors and nurses from Baghdad hospitals (Ibn Al-Khatib Hospital, City of Medicine Hospital, Imam Ali Hospital), the sample consisted of (180) doctors and nurses by (80) doctors and (100) nurses.

      The current study reached the following results:

  • The sample members of doctors and nurses suffer from psychological exhaustion.

  • There were no statistically significant differences between doctors and nurses in psychological exhaustion.

  • There are no statistically significant differences between males and females in psychological exhaustion, and there are also no statistically significant differences between married and unmarried people, and there are no statistically significant differences according to the degree (junior high, bachelor's, graduate).

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