Service Quality and Mobile Phone Customer Satisfaction in a Region in Peru

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Rudy Arpasi Pancca, Jose Huanca Frias, Jose Morales Rocha, Enrique Parillo Sosa, René Huanca Frías, Samuel Perez Quispe, Danny Villegas Rivas


One of the problems that exists today is the poor service provided by mobile phone operators to users who make use of these services. Therefore, the present research aims to analyze relationship between the service quality provided by mobile phone operators and users satisfaction, as well as to design the service quality metrics for mobile phone companies in region of Puno, Peru in 2017. A 490 users sample was used. Factor analysis was used for service quality metrics and Spearman correlation to determine relationship between service quality and user satisfaction was used. Four factors were obtained that determine the mobile phone service quality metrics. It was evidenced that there is a relationship between quality service and its characteristic dimensions (physical evidence, service reliability, responsiveness and empathy) with user satisfaction.

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