Interpersonal relationships and academic performance in high school fourth graders from a Military Educational Institution in Peru

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Cecilia Mendoza Alva, et. al.


The objective of research was determining relationship between the interpersonal relationships and academic performance of fourth graders in high school of the Military Public Educational Institution "Gran Mariscal Ramón Castilla" in Huanchaco, Peru, 2015. Research was experimental with correlational descriptive design, with a population of 104 high school fourth graders. A 21 students sample was considered. A questionnaire on interpersonal relationships and objective evidence on three communication competences was applied. Results showed there is a moderate positive correlation (r = 0.69) between interpersonal relationships and academic performance. It was determined there is a high positive correlation between basic social skills and academic performance in communication area in high school fourth graders. It was shown a good social skills level corresponds to a good academic performance level. A moderate positive correlation between communication and academic performance was observed, a high positive correlation between pro-social behavior and cooperation and academic performance, which shows that a good level of pro-social behavior and cooperation corresponds to a good level of academic performance. A high positive correlation between assertiveness and academic performance was evident, suggesting a good level of assertiveness corresponds to a good level of academic performance.

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