Foresight as an Innovative Technology for Researching the Future Development of Universities in Uzbekistan: First Steps towards Foresight

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Rakhimov Oktyabr Dustkabilovich, Ergashev Toxir Kurbonovich, Shoxujayeva Zebo Safoyevna, Fayziyeva Shirin Shodmonovna, Manzarov Yusufjon Khurramovich


The article discusses foresight research in the field of education of foreign universities, considers the issues of the need for foresight research to determine the future development of education and priority directions in the development and improvement of the quality of education in the long term in Uzbekistan. The object of research is the Karshi engineering-economic institute (KEEI), a general description of the object of research is given. The strategic goal of KEEI is to develop the institute as a modern educational, scientific, expert-analytical and cultural center in the southern region of Uzbekistan, providing high-quality training of competitive specialists capable of ensuring sustainable development of the region. The aim of the study is to predict the trajectory of innovative development in the use of digital technologies in the educational process of KEEI and, based on a long-term forecast using Foresight, to develop a "Technological roadmap for innovative development" Electronic education "until 2030. To develop a development strategy for KEEI, the task was set to determine the optimal portfolio of educational programs and promising areas of education and specialties. To solve the set task, we used the “Box of the Future” and “Highlighting Key Technologies” method. At the next stage of the study, the task was set to determine the impact of the widespread use of digital technology on the quality of education and their negative factors at this stage of the reform of society in Uzbekistan, since digitalization has become an integral part and one of the important directions in the development of education. For this, methods of brainstorming and peer review used. The results of primary foresight research, conclusions and conclusions presented.

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