Students Perception while Selecting Education Institutions for P.G. Courses

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Dr. Nitin Sharma, Dr. Krati Sharma, Prof. Sujata Salvi


collect feedback from their students and in many different forms. They use it to improve the quality of the education they provide. In recent years, there has been a shift in the balance between informal and formal types of student feedback with a greater emphasis on the latter. Thus, as the importance attached to student feedback increases, ensuring that feedback is collected effectively and used wisely becomes an increasing priority for higher education institutions.
Such readers are recommended to go directly to the summaries at the end of each section and only to delve into the main text if they need clarification or justification of points made in the summaries. We hope that other readers will find it worthwhile to read the Guide in more detail and, in particular, to consider how it compares with their own experiences and institutional practices.
the student learning process or rather a commentary on that process; according to whether it was seen as being primarily about whether programme objectives were being achieved or providing an opportunity to critique those objectives.
• enhancing the students’ experience of learning and teaching
• contributing to monitoring and review of quality and standards. Other purposes
cited included.
• ensuring the effectiveness of course design and delivery
• enabling a dialogue with students
• helping students reflect upon their experiences
• as part of the teaching and learning process
• identifying good practice
• measuring student satisfaction

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