Strategic Management of Teacher's Professionalism Competency Vocational School in Bandung City

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Aceng Lukman Nulhakim, Sutarman


This study aims to: (1). Analyzing the environment, Planning (2). Programs (3) implementation, (4). Evaluation, (5). The professionalism results of productive subject teachers in SMK. Qualitative research methods with case study techniques, to obtain data through interviews, observation, and study documentation. The subjects of the research were vocational school Igasar Pindad and vocational school YP.17 in Bandung. Interviewees included principals, education personnel, deputy principals, and students. Professionalism of productive subject teachers to improve the quality of productive teachers in vocational high schools. Research implications in (1). Strategic formulation stage, superior school achievement, vocational school model, and accreditation (2). Strategic Program, (3). Strategic implementation of SMK. (4) Strategic evaluation. Field research methods, constraints in the fulfillment of productive subject teachers are (a.) The regulatory system (b). Budget limitations (c). Subject teacher competencies. The conclusion is that the two vocational schools have done an analysis of the internal environment, which is the strengths and weaknesses, and the external environment, namely opportunities and challenges. Although the analysis has not been deep and comprehensive and there are still discrepancies. Has been poured in the form of matrices.

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