Will be Strategic Human Resource Management and University Governance influence on Academic Performance (AIC-2020-GDHEC-153)

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Asep Sumaryana, et. al


This research to examine the influence of strategic human resource management (strategic HRM) on university governance (UG) and dysfunctional behavior. This study also tested the influence of good university governance and dysfunctional behavior on lecturer academic performance in higher education. Google form platform online method for data collections was used. Each lecturer phone number is one respondent and two participants in their private of college or university as follows. Based on 100 participants might use statistic data analysis to test the hypothesis. The analysis indicated that strategic HRM outcomes increase of university governance and decrease of dysfunctional behavior. Then, university governance employed would be improved lecturer performance and extent to which of lecture knowledge will that encourage student skills and academic performance. The implications, strategic HRM and university governance would like bringing from negative effect by dysfunctional in higher educations to improve student creativity and academic performance. Hence, University governance will be reforms most increasingly academician performance and governance best practices that might sophisticated problem to develop in private higher educations and we identify visible solutions. This research focus in the management control systems (MCS) apply, but strategic manipulations for his/her own purpose in their university took place other else for owner mitigation image preferences and less attention to produce best practices in their context, hence may not be generalize for other countries.

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