The symbiosis of skills and the cognitive factor in the training process of regular basic education teachers

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Sandra Ydelsa Wyszkowski Elías, et. al.


The training processes developed in the pedagogical training institutions constitute mechanisms and educational models, with the purpose of solving the social demand; that is why the training of the teacher profile must have all the necessary attributes that allow guaranteeing the true role of the Regular Basic Education teacher. The objective of the study is to recognize the importance of the development of social skills in the teacher training process of Regular Basic Education based on the reality of 600 students from eight urban educational institutions in Lambayeque (Peru). The qualitative research experience focuses on the characterization of explanatory models, social skills and feelings; and finally, social skills in relation to the nature of interaction. These three scenarios are based on the contributions of John Mayer and Salovey (1999), Goleman (2003), Gardner (1994), Piaget (1987), Vygotsky (1979) and Bandura (1969). The aforementioned contributions made it possible to record findings related to the symbiosis generated between social skills and the cognitive factor when the teacher approaches the teaching process with the expectation of achieving his or her purposes.

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