Cultural Behaviour of Famous Sportmen of Aceh of Indonesia

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Amiruddin, Hasan Basri, T. M. Jamil


Indonesian Cultural diversity has more than thousands of ethnic groups living in areas spread across thousands of islands from Sabang to Merauke. The world of sports is also not immune from social culture. Efforts made by the Indonesian national sports committee (KONI) for the coaching of outstanding athletes who have been prepared to conduct training camps outside the region to participate in major events. The training camp that has been prepared for athletes in a period of around 3-6 months is not a short time. Various factors will arise over time, behavior and behavior that will change in athletes can not be denied. Cultural status that may be brought inevitably may occur in athletes trained by KONI. A Survey research was applied to collect data from the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), Kadispora, DPRA, sports observers, families of athletes and athletes themselves. Technique of data collection includes an observation, an interview, and documentation analysis. In conducting this research, the writer as an observer was not involved in this study at all to produce reliable results. The author also uses the camera as a necessary tool, interview sheets, and questionnaires. The results of this study can be obtained that the average athlete with socio-cultural status is still in the moderate level. Although training camps carried out in certain countries within a period of 3-6 months do not make athletes follow the local culture and also do not empower culture to their own area, athletes can adjust their position as one of the lovers. From their own culture with standard lifestyles and social interaction and communication is still good, the average athlete i s still loved by people so that they come home from training camps in various countries no one is ignored and ostracized.

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