Lesson Planning and the Rights of Educators

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Chauke OR, Ramohlale M.I, Chauke WS, Motlhaka HA


Lesson planning occupies the central part of teaching and learning, it is considered the nucleus of pedagogic situation because it converges all essentials of teaching and learning. A well planned topic is obliged to be followed by points such as methods of teaching (question and answer, discussion, observation etc.), teaching approaches (inductive and deductive), teaching aids which are directly related to methods, approaches and topic. From aims and objectives to learning outcomes and assessment standards, form a well-planned activity. Mishra (2008:5) says that: “a lesson is a structured period of time where learning is intended to occur… planning a lesson involves teacher’s purposeful efforts in developing a coherent system of activities that facilitates the evolution of student’s cognitive structures.”

There is a general consensus that lesson planning is important and that; for a teacher to go to class and teach learners without proper lesson plan is like jumping into eating food before washing hands. Educators know the importance of lesson plans; they were as well taught on how to develop a convincing ones at colleges of education and various universities. Educators have full knowledge of the consequences of transgressing the laws of teaching and code of conduct as outlined in SASA, ELRC and SACE. The main aim of this study is to collect data related to the influence of teacher unions and infiltration of politics into the noble profession, teaching. Politics in education has changed the original teaching profession character to that of defiance of all educational policies and acquaintance of negative political rights to indulge in mischievous activities like teaching without daily lesson plans.

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