Initial Training of the Physical Education Teacher andHis Performance

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Edgar Damin-Nez,Yudith Ivonne Alata-Cusy, Sandy Dorian Isla-Alcoser, Jessica Palacios-Garay, Yrene Uribe-Hernndez


Objective: To specify the level of association between initial training and the teaching performance of the Physical Education professional in the educational centers of Metropolitan Lima in 2018. Material and methods: As a tool, a questionnaire constructed and validated by the author Jenny was used. E. Martez Benites. Reliability was ensured by means of the Cronbachs alpha coefficient. The validity of the instruments was made through expert judgment. The methodology was quantitative or traditional method. The design was non-experimental correlational transactional. Research is classified as a basic type. Results: The results allow us to affirm that there is a good perception of the students about the teaching performance of the Physical Education professionals in the educational centers of Metropolitan Lima. Conclusions: It is established that initial training is not related to the professional performance of the Physical Education teacher in the educational centers of Metropolitan Lima in 2018; Furthermore, students perception of the professional performance of the physical education teacher is very low.

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