Explain Point and Line Positioning Materials Using the Ethnomathematical Approach to Enhance Students' Geometric Thinking Skills

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Agus Hendriyanto, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, Laila Fitriana


Quality learning materials are a necessity to improve the quality of mathematics learning. Quality materials
can be obtained through research and development. This study developed learning materials based on the
van-Hiele learning phases, integrated with the ethnomathematics approach. In this case, the
ethnomathematics used were in the form of a checkerboard game. The development model was based on the
Plomp model. The results of the analysis showed that the developed material is valid and practical. The
product trials results showed that the application of learning using the van-Hiele phase integrated with the
checkerboard game could significantly improve students' understanding of the point and line position
material. The lecturers expected the lecturers to provide quality materials and integrate them with the
ethnomathematics approach based on the findings.

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