Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model Analysis on Academic Information System Operations at UBJ University

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Rorim Panday , Neng Siti Komariah, Indra Lubis, Choiroel Woestho


The academic information system (AIS) is part of the operating system at universities, generally used to manage higher educat ion
data such as student data, lecturer data, staffing data, syllabus, grades, lecture schedules, libraries, and scheduled activities from
universities. UBJ Jakarta University develops its academic information system. In the implementation of AIS, there are several
obstacles, including slow response, computer literacy, technology gaps, and the difficulty of changing from manual methods to
using information technology, so that the level of AIS use is quite low. These constraints, based on the existing literature, are
caused by not being prepared for technology and not accepting technology. This study aims to determine how the influence of
technology readiness and technology acceptance on the level of AIS use, using the TRAM model. The data was collated using
Google form questionnaires from a total of 386 respondents and processed using path analysis by Amos. The results showed that
the Optimism variable had a significant, positive effect on the perceived usefulness. While the other three technology readiness
variables have no significant effect on perceived usefulness. Four variables of technology readiness have a significant effect on
perceived ease of use, which in turn has a significant effect on perceived usefulness. Perceived usefulness has a significant effect
on the usage level of AIS. Perception of ease of use did not have a significant effect on the usage level of AIS. Based on these
results, it is recommended that UBJ university develop some actions plan to increase technology readiness and technology
acceptance so that can be an increase in the usage level of AIS.

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