Delegatory Functions of Public Secondary School Principals Implications for Effective and Efficient Secondary School Management

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Florence A. Undiyaundeye Ph.D, Basake Julius Ph.D


This study focuses Delegatory Functions of Public Secondary institution Principals in Ogoja
educational zone ofCross River State. In other to achieve the purpose of the study, two
corresponding specific purposes guided the conduct of this study.Two each research questions
and hypotheses were postulated based on the purpose of the study that guided the investigator.
The design of this study was the descriptive survey research design designed at obtaining
information from the respondents. The inhabitants of the study comprised 1809 teachers in the
secondary schools in Ogoja educational zone. The instrument used for data collection was
structured questionnaire and data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to
answer research question while t-test was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of
significance. The findings of the study revealed that to high extend do principals delegate
supervisory functions to teachers in public secondary schools in Ogoja educational zone, to high
extend do principal delegate disciplinary functions to teachers in public secondary schools in
Ogoja educational zone, Based on the findings the following recommendation were made:
principals should always delegate supervisory functions to staff for effective running and
enhancing the administrative system of the school, secondary school principals should avoid
discrimination on the issue of delegating of disciplinary functions in the school and administrative
functions should be delegated based on staff competence and capability.

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