Effectiveness of Schema Based Group Therapy on Reducing Uncertainty Intolerance in Generalized Anxiety Disorder Sufferers

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Elmira Ghaffari,Nader Monirpour


The study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of schema based group therapy on reducing uncertainty intolerance in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) sufferers. 24 clients with GAD were randomly divided into 2 groups: an experimental (n=12) and a control group (n=12). As pre-test and post-test measurement, participants completed the Young's Mindfulness Questionnaire, Young's Treatment Questionnaire, Freeston Intolerance Questionnaire (1994) and the Beck Anxiety Questionnaire (1996), before and after inducing interventions. Experimental group members participated in the 17 two -hour schema based group therapy sessions twice a week while the control group members received no intervention. ANCOVA were used to emerge 2 groups differences in terms of measures. Findings indicated that schema based group therapy decrease uncertainty intolerance scores in experimental group in compare with control group significantly (p<0.05). In conclusion, the schema therapy as an integrated model consisting of cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, attachment, and experimental procedures can be effectively applied in group therapy modality for reducing uncertainty intolerance in GAD patients.

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