Attitudes of Palestinian University Students Towards E- Learning during Corona pandemic

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Moussa Ghattas Ghattas


This study aimed to identify the attitudes of Palestinian university
students towards E- Learning during Corona pandemic. After the
questionnaires were distributed and collected, they were coded and
entered into the computer, and statistically processed using the statistical
package for social sciences. The results of the study showed that the
attitudes of Palestinian university students towards E- Learning during
Corona pandemic were large, and it was found that there are no
statistically significant differences at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05)
between the average responses of the study sample members towards the
trends of Palestinian university students towards E- Learning during
Corona pandemic is attributed to the gender variable according to the
variable (gender, place of residence), and it was found that there are
statistically significant differences at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05)
between the average responses of the study sample members towards the
attitudes of Palestinian university students towards education. Electronic
education during Corona pandemic is due to the variable years of
experience, and based on the results of this study, the researchers
recommended several recommendations, the most important of which
was the need to continue to educate Palestinian university students about
the importance of E- Learning, especially in light of crises, and the need
to continue providing Palestinian universities with all the resources that
support E- Learning.

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