The aesthetics of the ninety –nine names of God in the ceramics of Wisam Al- Haddad ‘‘at the threshold of blue color’’ as a model

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Weam Qais Younis


The research addresses the aesthetics of the 99 Name of God in the ceramics of Wisam Al- Haddad ‘‘at threshold of blue colour’’
as a model .The research consists of four chapters, the first chapter includes the methodological framework for the research
represented by the research problem and its significance, which ends with the following question: ‘‘Do the ninety-nine Names of
God achieve an aesthetic dimension in the ceramics of Wisam Al- Haddad , in his artwork ‘‘at the threshold of blue colour?
The significance of the research This study highlights religious, artistic and aesthetic aspects and it can be regarded as a new
study that enhance the field of studies and research related to the concept of ninety-nine Names of God and their aesthetics in
contemporary Iraqi ceramics. Moreover ,it can be utilized by researchers and that is attributed that this study examines one of the
religious aspects and its aesthetic in contemporary Iraqi ceramics. Additionally ,the research objectives is to recognize (The
aesthetics of the 99 Name of God in the ceramics of Wisam Al- Haddad ‘‘at threshold of the blue ’’as a model ,and also the
research limits and definition of research terms .The second chapter consists of the sections , in the first one , the researcher
addresses Introduction to aesthetics and in the second section :The ninety-nine Names of God, in the third section: Contemporary
Iraqi ceramics . The second chapter ends with the theoretical framework indicators and literature reviews. The third chapter is
dedicated to show the results , and the most important of them were:
1. There is an obvious indications that the artist's works were obviously influenced by the Islamic school mixed with the spirit
of modernity, and that is evident by the way he writes the letters and simplifies presents letters harmoniously with the spirit
of modernity as in samples (1 & 2)
2. The followed style in Wisam Al Haddad's artworks borrows its experiences from abstract art and deals with blue colour,
where the interest in blue colour opens up the horizon of artwork.
Then the conclusions, margins and references

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