Post-traumatic growth in Arabic Poetry of the third and fourth H. Centuries

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Assi.Teacher Wisam Muhammad Aboud, Prof.Dr. Thaer Abdul Majeed Al-Ethary


Growth is a concept that carries meaning beyond the limits of adaptation to distress. Shock and stressful events become opportunities for growth, and difficult situations offer us chances to improve in the areas of maturity, personal development, faith, social progress, as well as to build our vision and philosophy of life. We break the horizons of the expectations of others by becoming stronger and more solid at times when we are expected to despair and break. Like plants whose stems are cut and then grow after a while and become fresher and more slender, we can overcome trauma and become good examples for those around us and even for those whose poems and news have inspired us. We can derive from our struggles patience, firmness, and the ability to confidently walk the paths of life though they are fraught with dangers. Traumatic events become a ladder with which we can reach the top of our desires.

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