Emotion Regulation in Postpartum Mothers in Mamuju District, West Sulawesi

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Irma Muslimin, Masnaeni Ahmad


Psychological pressure after childbirth is an emotional phenomenon and a feeling in which a
person feels moody, unable to sleep, excessive physical fatigue, and does not know what can be
done for his new role. Depression is a serious public health problem. The World Health
Organization (WHO) in 2000 declared that depression ranked fourth in the world as a cause of
disability. It is estimated that by 2020, depression will increase and could be ranked second in
world health problems. Emotional regulation is one form of coping that can help post partum
mothers to face post partum blues so as not to become depression blues.
This study aims to determine the description of emotional regulation on post partum
mothers in Mamuju District. This research uses qualitative method with research type is case
study. Subjects in this study were detected post partum mother showed high level of emotional
maturity based on alexhytimia questionnaire as many as 4 people informant. The results showed
that the form of postpartum mother's emotional regulation strategy in this study are self blame,
blaming others, acceptance, rumination and positive appraisal. Thus it is necessary to educate the
mother to be able to perform good emotional regulation to avoid the negative behavior of mother
to her child considering the pattern of child care is greater done by a mother.

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