Subjugation and the Othering in Mansfield’s Short story the Daughter of the Late Colonial: A Muted Group Theory Perspectives

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Tahseen Fatima, AyeshaYousaf, Javaria Farooq


The current research aims to reveal how Katherine Mansfield's short story The Daughter of the Late Colonel reflects subordination, othering, and the unfavorable treatment of women. Female characters were made to appear weak, insignificant, and out of place in society by Mansfield. Women's oppression and the male-dominated social system that perpetuates it are the key points of discussion in the short narrative she chose. The Daughter of the Late Colonel, a short story by Mansfield, was subjected to a textual analysis method known as Muted Group Theory (MGT) in order to determine the story's subjective meanings. For Kramarae (2005), language is an artificial framework and construction that serves as a convenient means of taming and following the male's wishes, sometimes by brute force or trickery, in accordance with his commands. The use of such instruments allows people to create and reorganize public spectacles to suit their own ends and agendas

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