Development of Personal Income Taxation Achievement by Practicing Skills within the Class in the Course of Tax Law

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Pornpen Traiphong et al.


This academic article presents the principles of teaching and learning to promote proactive learning or active learning. Action by focusing on learning is important, and also using the proactive learning management process. The use of learning through the use of practicing skills within the class. The goal of teaching and learning management that focuses on the students is to manage learners to create new knowledge through self-thinking process, allowing the learner to learn by doing, and to understand. It can bring knowledge to integrate into daily life and have qualifications for the goals of education that want learners to be smart, good and happy. Good teaching is a dynamic movement, constantly changing, both in organizing activities and teaching method which consists of creating atmosphere, technique, style, content, and things that are not too far from the students and planning of teaching and learning systematically.

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