Development of a Contextual Based on E-learning (CBE) Model: The Effectiveness of Virtual Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Policy Subjects
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The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about major changes in the learning process. This encourages us to develop a learning system during the pandemic. The Public Health Policy course is one of the conventional learning processes that are still memorized system so that it is deemed ineffective and needs a development model. The purpose of this research was to develop a Contextual Based Learning model (CBE) in the Health Policy course. This study used the Research and Development method (RnD). There are three stages of developing this CBE model, namely: design, development, and implementation. A total of 42 participants came from public health students who were divided into small groups (10 participants) and large groups (32 participants). Data analysis techniques consisted of validity and reliability tests, expert tests, practice tests, and model effectiveness tests. The forms of developing the CBE model are instrument assessment, model validation, module assessment, handbook student and handbook lecturer, and the development of an e-learning model. The results showed that the validity value of the development product was 0.7 (valid category). The practical test in the small group obtained an average value of 86.11 (very good practice category), while in the large group an average value of 84.97 (good practice category) was obtained. The effectiveness of developing the CBE model was sig<0.005. Conclusion. The development of the CBE model is considered effective in improving the learning process in health policy subjects.
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