Fake News Galore! More Contagious than COVID-19!
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The novel coronavirus disease pandemic or as we know it better, COVID-19, has ravaged society on a global scale. For the uninitiated, the disease is caused by the particular virus- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is seldom that we have a pandemic raging on that has brought with itself such a humongous scale of damage and on every single front of the human society, be it medical, economic, social or just about anything. With that it seems perfectly reasonable for COVID-19 to be at the tip of everyone’s tongue. The word itself creates an aura of dread and discomfort! But there’s something more sinister, and even more contagious that magnifies the ill effects of the disease, not by itself but through how we react to it! Have an idea? As with any trending topic, various social elements seem keen on spreading around and imposing on others, factually incorrect information and baseless rumours that aren’t only unfruitful but also counterproductive to the cause of fighting against the disease itself.
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