Dialogue Journal Writing in Emergency Remote Teaching: Effect on Writing Competency and Students’ Perception towards Implementation
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The current study intended to explore the effect of dialogue journal writing (DJW) on students’ writing and identifying their perception towards the implementation of DJW in emergency remote teaching (ERT) setting. The method of the current study is a mix method. The design of the quantitative study is experiment with pretest-posttest design, and for qualitative study is using case study. The data were collected through writing competency test and interview guide. This study used descriptive and inferential analysis for the quantitative data and follow O’Connor & Gibson (2003) guidance in analysing qualitative data. The result quantitative analysis showed that the mean score of students' writing competency in posttest (7.4) is higher than pretest (6.6). A significant mean difference is indicated from the result of t test (Sig. =.000). The qualitative analysis identified three themes from the interview (1) encouragement & confidence, (2) motivation, and (3) improvement on writing. Thus, DJW is encouraged to be implemented in ERT setting.
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